As i was just relaxing and thinking about people and my friends, one thing came into my mind "names" which lead me to the part of Bible where it says about God giving man the privilege of naming the animals which you will find in
Genesis 2:19-20 - 19 Now the LORD God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. 20 So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals. (NIV)
As i started thinking more on these lines, my thoughts went through time where man "named" most of the things in History. Starting from a new life 'who' sees the light of the day for the first time, to the computer and robots 'which' out performs man and his capabilities and capacities, man have named it all.
Again, when we look back in History in detail, we see that man started learning things about nature from nature. and we started defining things which we learned and called it "Science". While the scientists jump up and down in their labs proclaiming their recent discovery/advancement, God would be laughing in the heavens, like "good one, go for the next one, i'd fun creating it".
Yet man of the 21st century have become so advanced in understanding that he has an explanation for everything, and everywhere. For a man in today's world, not knowing something is such either a shame or a disqualification, and the being is no more considered important than the being himself.
It's so interesting that such a privileged man have named everything which He found, and now trying to 'define' the most obvious, GOD, yet Hidden behind the reflection of the splendor, beauty, and intelligence, and glory reflected by His Creation.
Man has become so smart that he had been trying to define God/nullify the existence of GOD for centuries..
BUT can a being created and named by Creator, out run the Creator Himself ? GOD will ALWAYS outsmart His creation.
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